Research Capacity Strengthening on
Narrative Change around Disability and Climate Change in the Niger Delta by New Media Advocacy Project (NMAP)
Project overview
Client: New Media Advocacy Project (NMAP)
Country: Nigeria
Year of completion: 2023
Research areas: Environment and Climate Change; Democracy, Human Rights and Inclusion
Services: Methodology consulting; Capacity Strengthening
Project summary
This Ford Foundation-funded qualitative study had two goals: to 1) paint a narrative landscape of the intersection between disability and climate justice movements in the Niger Delta, and 2) evaluate opportunities for collaboration between the disability communities and climate activist communities.
This project involved accessing and collaborating with over 80 persons with disabilities, disability activists, and representatives of climate justice civil society organizations from Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, and Rivers states of the Niger Delta. Project design was centered on co-production and prioritized trust-building and research participants’ validation of findings and recommendations in an extremely difficult research environment.
Evrima worked with NMAP on:
developing research plan and research instruments,
training local teams in the Niger Delta in research processes and best practices,
supporting research fieldwork in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, and Rivers states of the Niger Delta,
assisting with analysis and reporting.